Monday, October 28, 2013

5 Drawbacks of Blogging

Blogging is a great way to get information out to the public. It also is an awesome way to speak your mind and get feedback from other people. Blogging is also a business idea. If your blog becomes popular enough you can start making money and could influence other people to buy your product.

Now although there are many benefits of blogging there are also the negatives. Here are 5 drawbacks of blogging.

Drawback #1: Time Commitment
When it comes to maintaining a blog, it takes a somewhat large time commitment. Bloggers who are successful will blog about once a day at least. So if you want to be a blogger than you should really consider how much time it will take up.

Drawback #2: Stress
Blogging is a very good stress reliever but it can also stress you out. Many bloggers do write about what stresses them out in a way to vent on their blog but it can get stressful. Bloggers have to constantly be coming up with new ideas but they also have to be consistent. It can also be stressful when you start to get negative feedback.

Drawback #3: Staying consistent
When you are a blogger you have to stay consistent in your responses. Readers like to see a consistency to your blog. At the the same time they want fresh stories and topics to read about.

Drawback #4: Feedback/ Criticism
Blogging is great when your getting feedback and even better when your getting the feedback that you want. Then there are the times when your not getting any feedback and when you do it's negative. To some people this can be very discouraging. If you are not the type of person that can't handle criticism well than blogging can be very difficult.

Drawback #5: Interest Level
Blogger's write about what their passionate about and what is on their mind that is bothering them but sometimes they have nothing interesting and they don't see the point of blogging. I for one wouldn't want to blog about something on my own time if i wasn't truely passionate about it. 

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